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5 Ways to Stop Procrastination

Lots of things can stop us being productive in business today. Some things we can control and some things we can’t. Procrastination can really affect our productivity, but it is usually self-inflicted. In this article we examine this further and present 5 Ways to Stop Procrastination.

Procrastination is Stressful

We might enjoy avoiding a tough task at first but eventually procrastination can lead to frustration or stress. It can lead to a rushed job to meet a deadline which may reduce the quality of what’s delivered. And that’s not good for our reputation in business.

Common Reasons for Procrastination

Why do we procrastinate?  There is always a reason for every behaviour so let’s look at some common reasons for procrastination:

  • Don’t have all the information needed
  • The task is tedious
  • Not clear what’s required
  • Not confidence that being able to do the work
  • Lack of training on the job required
  • Not urgent as the deadline is still far away

 Why Do You Procrastinate?

If you want to change, you need to understand your own specific reasons for procrastination. It can help to identify the times it tends to happen or what pieces of work cause it. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. When do I procrastinate?
  2. What pieces of work cause me to procrastinate?
  3. Why do I not like these tasks?
  4. What tasks don’t cause me to procrastinate?

Tips to Stop Procrastination

The answers to these questions will provide some ideas of what to change. Here are some general tips to reduce procrastination too:

  1. Be Clear about The Work: Discuss the work with a client or colleague. Jot down ideas and identify the first steps to get started.
  2. Set an Interim Deadline: If the end date is too far away, set daily or weekly deadlines to provide focus and energy to deliver.
  3. Do The First Step: Make a start even if you only complete one or two tasks. That helps you feel productive and motivates you to keep going.
  4. Be Accountable: Tell someone what you will do by when, so you feel some pressure to do it.
  5. Just Do It: As Nike says, just do it. Stop making excuses and get on with the task.

Reward Yourself

If it helps, use a reward initially to motivate yourself. Once you break the procrastination habit, you won’t need a reward. The satisfaction of getting things done is a big enough motivator to keep doing it.

Be Productive

Getting things done is one of the best ways to remove stress from your life. Stop procrastinating and watch your performance and business success soar.

For other productivity tips on topics like Managing EmailReducing StressManaging Your Attention and Saying No check our Articles section on

Be Productive and Manage Your Time

Getting things done is one of the best ways to remove stress from your work life. Stop procrastinating and watch your performance and enjoyment soar.

For information on our Productivity Training, Coaching or Seminars please contact me here.

Check our Articles section for other productivity and time management tips on Managing Email, Reducing Stress and Saying No

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Moira Dunne

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